Issuance of Certificate

Certificate of Origin (CO) is an instrument which establishes evidence on origin of goods imported into any country. These certificates are essential for exporters to prove where their goods come from and therefore stake their claim to whatever benefits goods of Indian origin may be eligible for in the country of exports. The charges for the issuance of Certificate of Origin/ Attestation of Invoices/ Shipping Declaration etc. are as follows:

Member Sister Organisation
Rs. 100/- plus 18% GST for 5 copies and Rs. 10/- (plus 18% GST) per additional copies. Rs. 200/- plus 18% GST for 5 copies and Rs. 10/- (plus 18% GST) per additional copies.

Online Issuance of Certificate

Members can get online Certificates as well by logging onto website of DGFT

This common digital platform is a single point access for certificates of origin for all FTAs/PTAs for all agencies and all products. This is designed to facilitate exporters through a secure, electronic, paperless CO issuance process. All designated CO issuing agencies are required to work through this portal.

Rs. 200/- plus 18% GST for 5 copies.